If you’re looking for a fast recovery Inguinal Hernia surgery, see Dr. Michael Reinhorn. I did a lot of research on the best options for fixing the hernia that I had for six years. I wanted an alternative to traditional open repair so I researched laparoscopic repair. I was not thrilled with the general anesthesia associated with that option. Dr. Reinhorn’s minimally invasive option is the best route by far. My surgery was on Friday and I was a bit uncomfortable for a couple of days. Sleeping was tough the first night but I chose not to take any narcotic pain killers and stuck to Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. By Monday I was getting around easier but was careful to avoid lifting anything heavier than 25 lbs. I was back to work on Tuesday. Within a week I was feeling about 75% and by 2.5 weeks I’m happy to say I am about 95% and have been to a couple of yoga classes and done a few light workouts. Don’t know why I waited so long to have my repair done. Thank you!
From healthgrades.com