Dr. Reinhorn was the very first surgeon to operate on me at 72. And thank God for that. He performed a right inguinal hernia repair surgery on me last April 29th that went so well I just can’t stop bragging about his work to everyone who asks. Given it was my first operation, I was anxious about everything. After 2 years of research on the Internet and an examination by a hernia surgeon specialist at one of the prestigious NYC hospitals, I naturally questioned my decision . Did I select the the right surgeon? How good was his team? Was the hospital well-equipped and on top of all the latest and best procedures to take care of me if anything happened? Well, may I answer by saying “IF YOU NEED A HERNIA OPERATION THERE IS ONLY ONE SURGEON TO GO TO–DR.MICHAEL REINHORN”. On the day before my scheduled operation, my daughter and I drove about 2 1/2 hours from Greenwich, CT to Dr. Reinhorn’s office at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital about 20 minutes outside of Boston. We arrived at the Indigo Hotel where we were staying at about noon and I then shuttled over to the hospital to go through a series of pre-op testing conducted by very competent and sympathetic nurses. After the testing, I met with Dr. Reinhorn and his assistant Lauren at his office located in one of the wings of the hospital. Dr. Reinhorn and Lauren then went over the entire surgical procedure and answered all my questions and concerns. I was immediately put at ease with their knowledge, experience and their concerned, helpful way of treating me. On operation morning of the 29th, I was first tested with Kat, the pre-op nurse and a 34 year veteran of the operating floor. Right after testing with Kat, both Dr.R and Lauren paid a quick visit to go over the procedure again and answer any of my remaining questions. Never having been “put under” before, I was afraid of taking anesthesia (albeit a regional sedative for the surgery), but Jennifer, the anesthesiologist was so assuring and professional I was ready without any real concern to ‘get it done’. After the surgery, I woke up with an enthusiastic smile and with the whole surgical team around my bed. I was happy it was over and invited everyone out to dinner that night. I was not in any pain with maybe a little discomfort where the incision took place. On the drive back home, I took one Vicodin just in case any pain developed. Now almost 2 weeks after surgery, I can happily report I never experienced any pain, just a mild discomfort which has disappeared , no swelling and just a slight discoloration which is now almost all gone. What can I say? My hernia surgery with Dr.R and his team was an amazing success. Over the last 2 weeks I kept in touch with both Dr.R and Lauren via email. They wanted to know how I was feeling every day–just great personal interest and attention. Again, it’s obvious that I’m very happy I chose Dr. Reinhorn and very highly recommend that you consider his services.