
We are delighted to offer specialty hernia services in Nashua, New Hampshire

Why Boston Hernia?

A hernia is not just a hernia. In the US, over 1 million people will have inguinal hernia or umbilical hernia surgery every year. Unfortunately, between 5-15% of patients will develop pain lasting longer than 3 months after these operations. That’s not acceptable. We have performed and evaluated almost every kind of inguinal and umbilical hernia repair possible in order to provide patients with the best options.

We are hernia specialists. By partnering with our patients to find the best solution to their problem, we avoid complications before they happen. We are not generalists, and in fact we don’t even repair every type of hernia. By focusing on only a few diseases and treating a lot of patients, we can provide the best care to our patients. We perform nearly 500 inguinal and umbilical hernia operations each year.

What we do?

We offer ambulatory inguinal and umbilical hernia surgery that is safe and effective in Nashua in New Hampshire or near Boston. We believe fast recovery inguinal hernia surgery is the best way to fix an inguinal hernia. In this approach, we repair the hernia by placing a thin piece of mesh between the lining of the abdominal cavity and the hernia hole in the abdominal wall. This is typically done under local anesthesia with a sedative given by an anesthetist in an ambulatory setting like Nashua Ambulatory Surgery Center or in a hospital. Patients get the best of both worlds! We place the mesh in the exact position that we used to do when we did laparoscopic and robotic surgery, but most patients don’t need general anesthesia.

We also offer no mesh hernia surgery options when appropriate for patients.

Who are we?

Lauren Ott, PA-C is a specialist in the care of inguinal and umbilical hernia patients.  Through 4 years of daily experience, she has evaluated several thousand patients and has assisted in well over a thousand hernia repair surgeries. As a physician assistant, she takes the time to meet the patients where they are and help guide them through the journey of getting their hernia repaired.

Michael Reinhorn, MD is a specialist in inguinal and umbilical hernia surgery. Dr. Reinhorn travels to other states and countries to learn the best techniques available.   

By collecting and reporting our own results we strive to continuously improve and provide high quality care. We work closely with the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative to monitor our outcomes and learn from surgeons all over the country.